My cousin, Wonderwoman
Exclamation marks are in order: Meet my cousin, P'Ju, aka Wonderwoman.

She just won the Young Investigators Award from the University of Texas Research Council for her research on chlorinated polyethylene elastomer (CPE) in the use of extraoral facial prostheses.
And she did all that while being 39-weeks pregnant!!!
I told you the lady's a freaking Wonderwoman, not to mention one of my biggest role models.
This is going to change the lives of so many cancer patients. I think it's no wonder why I'm totally beaming with pride for her. :D
Plus, in a few days time, I'm going to have a new baby niece, Teresa, whom her parents just so happened to have named the same name as one of my best friends from high school. How awesome is that?
Congratulations na ka, P'Ju!
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