Bangkok = Beauty Queen Central

My mom got tickets to the final show of the Miss Universe 2005 pageant at Impact Arena tomorrow from her friend and Miss Universe judge, Chutinant Bhirombhakdi. It's going to be at 8 AM BKK time so that you folks in the US can watch it live at 9 PM ET Monday night. I also got a chance to attend the fashion show at Central World Plaza last week, and let me tell you, seeing all those super tall (I'm talking 6-foot-freaking-4 in heels, people), super skinny women walking around in their TO-DIE-FOR Manolo Blahniks was enough to make anyone feel like the frumpiest, dumpiest dwarf ever. Bleh.
As for the ladies themselves, my personal faves so far include Miss Puerto Rico, Miss Venezuela, and Miss Canada. Oh yeah, Miss Thailand, too, of course. :) My mom's personal fave is Miss Dominican Republic (there may or may not have been heated debating and betting involved over the eventual winner). Anyway, we'll see! Tune in tomorrow.
Oh yeah, and in other news, I recently found out that I got into dental school. GAH. It's been a crazy past few months, but after much thought and discussion I've decided to turn down admission to med school in the UK and head full steam ahead with dental school here in T-land (though it is a bilingual program and 80% of instruction will be done in English, much to my relief after having had to slave through four years of undergrad papers and lectures in Thai). I've always been interested in all aspects of health science whether it be medical, dental, biological, or pharmaceutical-related (hello, my name is Lynn and I am a sad, sorry nerd), and I think that dentistry will not only allow me to get my fill of all things science-related, but will also give me the time to work on my writing as well (something that I've come to realize is pretty important to me). Not that dental school is a walk in the park (certainly not, and I do realize that I have my work cut out for me), but it definitely will be much easier for me to get my writing done if I don't have to be on call until 4 in the morning, like a physician would.
So, uh, brush your teeth, kiddies, OR ELSE. Muahahaha. <--- That's me practicing for when I finish dental school. I'm trying to get my evil laugh just right because I'm going to be that mad dentist with the drill who yanks out all her patients' teeth so she can collect them in little jars for her collection in her damp, dark basement... Nah, I'm just kidding. :) Rather, I'm going to be the way cool dentist who hands out lollipops to all her kid patients instead of boring schmoring toothbrushes (yawn). And chocolate! Why not throw in some chocolate truffles for good measure? Yay for cool dentists.
(I have a feeling that handing out chocolate truffles is kind of against the international dental association's policy. Let's hope they don't kick me out of their league someday.)
Currently Playing: Hungry Heart by Minnie Driver
Currently Reading: A Child Called "It" by Dave Pelzer
Miss Thailand is nice, except I'm not sure shes... 100% thai :)
Personally, Miss Nigeria is interesting. Not for her looks but because
"My interest is on the African child.(l believe children are the leaders of tommorrow).My center specifically is child abuse,molestation and negligence."
So, um, yeah. I think Miss Nigeria needs some serious help with her English!
Or maybe she's just very, very honest!
HOLA, MI MEJOR AMIGA! hahahaha... dentistry eh?! You sure about that? You sure you wouldn't mind if crazy crabby kids bite at your hand because they just felt like it? Man, I think I'll just go to you instead of going to all the dentists here in Canada. :) Hahaha.. Oh well, I'm going to be watching Ms. Universe with you, dorkie. 9 PM, I think it is. Well, I don't have a fave yet but we'll see. :) I'll e-mail you tomorrow re that matter. :)
Congrats and good luck Lynn. I just got back from the movies and missed the contest but did see some pictures and cannot pick a favorite as they are all wonderful. I'll check it out now and maybe see you in the crowd.
I thought you had a little play on words going for a second:
"and I think that dentistry will not only allow me to get my fill of all things"
When are you releasing the book? Maybe a small glimpse on the site.
be the kind of dentist who says this:
"you haven't been brushing your teeth at least twice a day. you haven't been flossing daily. you haven't been using mouthwash regularly. so now your gums are unhealthy, you have cavities, your breath is terrible, your teeth are in danger of falling out. and may god have mercy on your soul."
another dentist? hahahaa, cool/gud choice anyway. congrats. i walked past by one practice in soi 21(asok) last feb, one cool surgery there. i hv been pestering my gf to start a practise in bkk. we hv one in kl. do drop by. collaboration after graduation?? bigs plans big plans. a story telling surgery perhaps? heh.
Dentist, very bad experience with dentist...hahaha...feels like darth vader....doing one on Luke Skywalker..
wow! congrats on the dentistry (and congrats on the UK med school that you turned down... 555)! if i do end up moving back to thailand, i'll be sure to seek out your lolipop-giving dental services. :)
how was it being in the audience? i was watching it on TV here, and that american presenter dude was pretty... i don't know, not presenter material in my opinion. i was SOOOOOO rooting for mexico to win! she was BY FAR the prettiest of the final 5. i wanna go to mexico and meet her. 55555
Congrats, Lynn! :) Dentist, eh? Marvelous! YOu said the instruction would be in English? May i ask which university this is 'cos I know somebody who would be interested. Thanks!
If you really do hand out chocolate truffles, I'll go sign up to be your patient pronto! hee hee hee Well, don't worry about it, eh? You don't find it strange that a MCDONALD, of all else, set up a shop to sell their artery-clogging doublecheeseburger at Bamrungrad Hospital?
That would make handing out chocolate truffles at a Dental Clinic seems so trivial, eh? :)
By the way, I just went to "Tawi Pob", the musical yesterday. I was surprised that it was a full house and I heard the show tix is sold out for all shows. It's quite decent, actually. But if you can get those good seats at Ms. Universe pagaent which I saw in this photo, I'm sure your mom can get you good seats for you at this show also. It's an interesting outlook of Thai history during the reign of King Rama the IV, Lynn. And a nice touch of East meets West which I understand is something your brain comes across everyday! Ciao! :)
P.S. I don't work for the musical company and I don't try to sell the tix na ja, in case you wonder. :) Like I said, the tix is already sold out. But I'm sure if you know some Poo Yai, you would somehow be able to squeeze in.
Him: I think she's just very, very honest. ;)
Mi Mejor Mama Goose: Canada won, you! Yes, come to me for any dental work and afterwards we can gorge on chocolate truffles together!
James: My agent will be submitting my manuscript to the publishers next week. I'm so excited and anxious at the same time!
Bennida: Heh, yeah, a lot of people were commenting on how Miss Thailand this year wasn't all that great. I don't know why they didn't show a musical performance either! I was really looking forward to it, too...
Pan: I will make sure to say that to every last of my patients. :)
Anon: Cool, we should join forces!
Soohk: Heh, I've fortunately always had good experiences with dentists.
Paddy: Yeah, I thought last year's Aimee was a way better Miss Thailand. More articulate and all.
Kris: No free beer, unfortunately. They did give out free flashlights, though, for us to flash during the tsunami montage. And why chew on betel nut when you can chew on chocolate? :)
Alex: Haha, I think the host (Billy Bush) is that guy from Access Hollywood. I think he's also ol' Dubya's nephew, which would, you know, explain a lot. :P
Nash: I'll send you the link to the uni and program for more info! And I menioned the Tawi Pob musical to my mom and she was able to get us two tix from a friend of hers. I can't wait; the show sounds amazing. :)
Dear Lynn, thanx for the info of your uni. I'll pass around to those who are interested. And congrats in your mom's ability to get tickets to Tawi Pob! Wow! Say, if I need good tix for future sold-out gigs, can I, like, call your mom? heh-heh :-P Really, I'm impressed.
So, enjoy the show and let me know what you think na. Hope you can get the weekday show which feature Suthasinee(?) Puttinant as the lead. Her voice training in NY proves amazing. I swear the roof almost came down in one piece that showcase her majestic voice.
Oh, I feel so itchy to tell you how the musical ends. (Yes, I'm bad.) But then, I still want you as a friend! ;-P
I'm going to another meditation retreat tomorrow. Will pray for your smooth transtion into dental school na. Hope you don't have to do all the 6 years? You got waived for the basic science courses, right?
Or would you prefer me to pray for your upcomng chicklit novel instead? Take a pick. My meditation power is not strong enough to cover many wishes. heh-heh. :)
Ciao for now!
Nooo, don't tell me how it ends! :P
Yeah, I'm really lucky I get to transfer a lot of my undergrad credits...nearly a year and a half worth of credits to be exact! I guess this means I'm gonna be pretty free the first year, huh?
Have fun at the meditation retreat! (Pray for the novel, pray for the novel!) ;)
Congrats on dent school.
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