Friday, October 07, 2005


This and this is what the world has come to, folks. Evil colleagues of one of my dear high school BFFs, Swita, have bearnapped her pink Bates bear and are holding him hostage as we speak.

To add insult to the injury, said bear had a vair awesome Burberry arm-scarf, too!


At Saturday, October 08, 2005 9:52:00 PM, Blogger james said...

Let's see, we have what appears to be two little pigs, an Elvis guy and a guy with an afro who may or may not be singing. The poor bear with the pink shirt is not having a good day at all.
Perhaps you will start a story with these guys so every week we can see a new adventure. I'm dying to know if the pink bear thing survives although I'm not sure about the red on pink outfit.


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