Fun and Fondue

The other week Gug, Siri and I took Aparna to Spring Restaurant,
located along Sukhumvit 39 for one last dinner before she left for Bangalore.

Gug, me, Aparna & Siri
The restaurant's food was definitely very worthy of all the hype we'd heard.
If you can, get your butt on down there
and have a bite of their lovely ethnic fusion dishes.
Your taste buds will thank you!

After dinner, we headed next door
to Summer Chocolate House for some dessert.
They had a pretty fab disco ball hanging from the ceiling inside.
GUG: Ooh, I like the disco ball! Take a picture of the disco ball!
LYNN: But I can't just snap a picture of the disco ball without looking really conspicuous. Get in the picture.
GUG: Did you get the disco ball? Did you? Did you?
Yes Gug, I got the stinkin' disco ball.

Though the atmosphere was lovely inside...
...we decided to take advantage of the cool "winter" weather (68F is as winterly as it gets around here) and have dessert outside beneath the stars!
(Well, alright, so maybe we couldn't actually see the stars per say, but I'm sure they were up there... somewhere above that big cloud of smog that regularly hovers above this much loved City of Angels.)

The only problem was...
...we had a little difficulty trying to get
those stubborn bean bags to sit up straight.

Only Gug managed to get the darn thing to behave.

So after battling with the bean bags,
we eventually ordered dessert...

And were given some brandy.
Just kidding.
The glasses were tinted so our unexciting water
would look a little more like alcoholic beverages.

So out came the chocolate tart.

And the bread and fruit dish.

And finally the chocolate fondue!

The chocolate was just perfect - bittersweet and heavenly.

Let's try that again.

Much better!
In other news, I finally watched Alexander the other weekend. I'm usually not very picky or particular when it comes to movies, but this one I thought was just ok-ok. While I normally think that films starring Colin Farrell make for some nice eye candy, I gotta say that the poor Irish lad just does NOT kick it with blonde hair. Do yourself a favor, Colin, and never touch the peroxide again.
Angelina Jolie on the other hand was downright gorgeous. Her dad, Jon Voight, looks pretty ordinary, so I haven't the faintest idea how Angelina here managed to turn out looking so hot. She must have inherited some obscure recessive Hot Gene that got lost somewhere along the family line. Lucky girl!
BTW, if you guys get a chance to watch the film, look out for the rampaging elephants in the battle scene in India (which was actually filmed in Thailand, and not in India). Those elephants belong to my brother's friend, Ploy, whose parents own an elephant farm over in Rajaburi. Now get this - not only did Ploy get to hang out on the set of Alexander for a couple of days, but she also got a chance to meet Colin Farrell and Angelina Jolie. I kid you not. Now how cool is that? She can go around now and say, "Yo, Colin, Angie and me got to hang, dawg." Man, I wish I owned an elephant farm.
And in other celebrity news, feast your eyes on this:

I would have this man's babies in a heartbeat.
Lots and lots of them. Really, I would.
How can you look at this picture and not emit an involuntary "awww"?
Currently Playing: Glasgow Love Theme OST Love Actually. I love this film, and the songs from the soundtrack always make me think of Christmas. With the holiday season right around the corner, I thought I'd play this because it's so pretty. I mean, hey, it was either this or Bill Nighy's Christmas Is All Around.
Currently Reading: Rich Dad Poor Dad by By Robert T. Kiyosaki and Sharon L. Lechter
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